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1 593 bilder, fotografier och illustrationer med Patent Leather

The first mention of patent leather was in Britain sometime around 1793. English inventor, Edmund Prior, received the patent for the coloring leather in 1799.

Patent leather

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Patent leather

Patent leather is used for shoes, caps, clothing, wallets and handbags.In the clothing sector, lacquered leather is rather rare and is usually associated with clothing for sexual preferences. How Patent Leather is Made Coating Type. Once leather is tanned and ready for the patent finish, the shiny coating it can be applied. Centuries Layers. Depending on the production process, the glossy coating might be applied in layers. This can be done to make the Application Methods.
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Patent leather

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If we go back in time, we’d find that the earliest patent leathers usually started off with very fine leather as the base. With advancement in tanning technology and chemical treatment that has been in use since 1858, today any type of leather can be given a patent leather finish. Patent leather.
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(Tanning) leather or imitation leather processed with lacquer to give a hard glossy surface. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.

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Denise T. wrote me asking the following, "Can the design of a piece of clothing be patented?" Denise the most likely answer is no - rarely are articles of U.S. Customs and Border Protection / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain Denise T. wrot To patent an idea is a dream come true for the inspiring inventor as it protects individual products or process from being traded, sold, or recreated. A patent is a legal document that is granted to the first to file on a particular inventi Black Patent Leather; Plaza Last; Red leather lining; Single Oak Leather sole. Shoe Size + Width *. Total: $571.00. Add to cart. Checkout.